Sunday, November 17, 2013

DIY Take-Out Menu Folder

Here is a great way to create an organizer for your home or as a gift for others


Step 1: Choose how much you'd like to spend (or not spend)

This is the best part!!! It can totally be FREE, aside from your time putting it together.  Using repurposed materials  for the organizer and picking up the take-out menus while out doing other things is a perfect way to make keep it no-cost. Alternately, you can spend some cash and purchase a gift card or two to coincide with the menus you give. 

Step 2: Decide what restaurants to add and how you will get the menus

Depending on the location, this could be a snap...or a challenge.  My preferred method is to stop by each restaurant and pick up an authentic paper menu. This may not be feasible depending on your distance from the town, timeframe, and your patience.  And because most restaurants have some sort of website, I've found lately many restaurants don't offer a paper a take out menu.  And nowadays, you can print menu from almost any eatery; which may be the way to go. 

Step 3: The Organizer

There are tons of possibilities for the chosen vessel of your restaurant propaganda.  If you have the time and funds, there are notebooks made specifically for this.  But most of us have a few gently-used folders or binders lying around: unused school supplies, that HR binder collecting dust on your desk, even the well intended (but never utilized) accordion coupon organizer.  You can dress it up as much or as little as you want. Keep in mind any leftover craft décor supplies you might can use: ribbon, markers or paint for labeling the cover, stickers, etc.

Step 4: Assemble and give

Have fun with this project.  And maybe make up a few extra to have on-hand as last minute gifts, and one for yourself, too!

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